
What Is IMC Conduit?

Views: 49     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-09-23      Origin: Site

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Intermediate Metal Conduit, or IMC, is a rigid steel electrical conduit. The exterior is galvanized and the interior has a coating that helps the conduit resist corrosion and which reduces friction when the wires are pulled through.

IMC conduit diameters range from 1/2-inch to 4-inch. IMC conduit is 10 feet long. The ends may be pre-threaded or unthreaded. Threaded couplings join IMC conduit for safe and waterproof connections.

IMC conduit is similar to RMC conduit, except its walls are thinner. This makes IMC conduit about 30-percent lighter than RMC conduit and easier to handle. Anywhere RMC is approved, IMC is also approved.

IMC conduit is designed for outdoor exposure. Around the home, IMC conduits may be used for outdoor lighting or on exposed walls in basements, garages, shops, ADUs, and outbuildings.


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